Friday, February 09, 2018

Good riddance to charter schools

The government has introduced legislation to end charter schools:
The Government has introduced a bill to scrap national standards and charter schools in New Zealand.

However, charter school operators wanting to be involved in education could apply to establish another form of school, such as a designated character school, Education Minister Chris Hipkins said.

The new legislation was introduced by Hipkins on Thursday, who said it was backed by the vast majority of the education sector.

Good riddance. Privatised, subsidised, profit-making entities have no place in our education system, especially when they're funded at a higher rate than state schools while being exempt from both any quality standards and any oversight via the OIA. I am glad to see them go. If their communities actually want them, then they can be turned into special character schools under existing provisions of the Education Act. Otherwise, they can and should shut down.