Thursday, September 26, 2019

Climate Change: Where the bloody hell are we?

The South Australian Parliament has declared a climate emergency:
A motion declaring Australia is facing a climate emergency has passed the upper house of the South Australian parliament.

Moved by Greens MP Mark Parnell, the motion also recognises that climate change is already costing lives and destroying vital ecosystems around the world.

Which raises the usual question: where the bloody hell are we? Surely if the Prime Minister thinks climate change is "my generation's nuclear free moment", her government would be declaring a climate emergency immediately?

(And speaking of South Australia, they're expecting to have 100% renewable electricity within a decade, with an ambitious plan to run on wind, solar and hydrogen. Meanwhile, we're desperately trying to come up with excuses to keep dirty gas in the mix, in a desperate attempt to be cheap. Which puts us to shame again.)