Thursday, July 01, 2021


A ballot for four Member's Bills was held today, and the following bills were drawn:
  • Resource Management (Regional Responsibility for Certain Agricultural Matters) Amendment Bill (Mark Cameron)
  • Autonomous Sanctions Bill (Gerry Brownlee)
  • Local Government (Pecuniary Interests Register) Amendment Bill (Tangi Utikere)
  • Freedom Camping (Infringement Offences and Other Matters) Amendment Bill (Maureen Pugh)
Of these, Utikere's bill will pass easily (and is necessary to limit local body corruption and conflicts of interest), and Brownlee's bill should at least go to committee. Cameron's bill is explicitly aimed at undermining climate change policy, and I expect it to be voted down at the first opportunity.

There were 68 bills in the ballot today, a significant increase from April. But its still well short of the maximum, and some parties clearly need to work harder on using their opportunity to legislate.