Thursday, March 03, 2022


This government has promised to be "the most open and transparent government ever". But its practice seems to be diverging further and further from that ideal. Now, the Media Freedom Committee has launched a new series of awards recognising this:
The NOIAs (No Information Awards) are the creation of the Media Freedom Committee, the pan-industry group representing national publishing and broadcasting outlets, including NZME media outlets the New Zealand Herald and Newstalk ZB.

Journalists working for organisations represented on the committee are invited to nominate examples of particularly frustrating interactions with communications staff and officials, primarily involving requests submitted under the Official Information Act (OIA) and Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.


Categories in the inaugural NOIAs include the Terrier Award, for the most tenacious journalist; the All Black Award, for the most redacted OIA response; and the If You Didn't Laugh Award, for the funniest reason for a response being rejected.

"We do want to acknowledge that there are lots of hard-working people doing their best to help journalists too," added Alexander. "That's why we're including a 'Little Ray Of Sunshine' award for the individual who has gone above and beyond in their commitment to transparency."

Sadly, only members of the MFC can nominate. Otherwise, I have a few suggestions...