Wednesday, April 13, 2022

So what are they buying then?

Recently the National Party raked in $1.8 million in donations from corrupt richlisters. But don't worry, says Chris Luxon - they won't be getting anything for their money:
National Party leader Christopher Luxon says the rich-listers who donated $1.8 million to the party in recent weeks do not get access to him from their cash.


Asked if donating a large amount of money meant that Luxon would “pick up the phone” if a donor rang, Luxon said it wouldn’t.

“No no no. And that’s why I don’t talk money and donations with anyone. I know some of those people on that list. Many of them actually I don’t know. But the point is, you know, that’s for Paula [Bennett] to deal with in her fundraising capacity.”

Luxon rejected the idea that the donors would have any influence on National Party policy.

So what are they getting then? Because rich people don't give that amount of money without getting something in exchange, a return on their investment. And Luxon denying that just makes us think that he thinks that we are all fools.

This is why we need to get big money out of politics: because not only is it an avenue for corruption - its mere presence undermines public faith in the entire system. And that's simply not something we should tolerate.