Tuesday, November 08, 2022

All noise and no policy

Over the weekend Labour had a very bad poll - basicly, the chickens coming home to roost on their fuck around and do nothing policy. But on Monday, price-gouging Aussie bank Westpac offered them a golden opportunity, in the form of a billion dollar profit. Everyone hates the banks, they're gouging more and more money from us, and there's growing pressure for a windfall tax to rein them in and make them pay their fair share - so it was a perfect opportunity for Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to stand up for equality, actually do something about these sucking financial parasites, and gain some popularity in the process. And indeed, at Monday's post-Cabinet press conference, she strongly denounced the banks' profiteering:
The Prime Minister took aim at huge profits banks have been making during the cost of living crisis – saying it was wrong as many New Zealanders face financial strain.

She said questions needed to be asked whether those making huge profits were serving New Zealanders well, however, the condemnation did not extend to implementing any changes from the Government beyond suggesting self-reflection from the banks.

"Self-reflection". Apparently, we're not even getting a market study from the Commerce Commission to determine whether it is reasonable for an industry to make 50% of its revenue in profit, year after year, at a cost to the rest of us of billions of dollars. That might be too much like action. As for a windfall or excessive profits tax, of course not.

And this is why Labour deserves to end up in opposition after the next election: they're all noise and no policy. They're offering us literally nothing, just the same tired, unjust status quo. So why should anyone who wants change vote for them?