Friday, May 25, 2007

The Guantanamo Flotilla

Amnesty International has an online petition running at the moment urging the US government to close its Caribbean gulag at Guantanamo Bay. But its not just an ordinary petition - it takes the form of an "online flotilla", in which you design your little Wii-person, stick them on a boat (or surfboard, or sea-serpent), and send them off in a virtual protest fleet to Guantanamo.

You can sign up here. If you'd like to do something else, there's a list here.


  1. Thanks for posting. That's very cool- such innovative reinvention of petition

  2. Only 6 from China - wonder how they got through... Interesting concept though

  3. MTNW: Yeah. It's the first time they've done this, but they've also tried other petition styles recently as well - for example the million faces campaign against the arms trade, and a similar video petition against Guantanamo.


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