Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Climate Change: Mark the date

Students will be striking for the climate again on Friday, September 4:
Students in Wellington are gearing up to strike from school this September 4th, to protest inaction on climate change. Their demands? That Government invests in a green COVID-19 response; that there is a just transition provided for workers in unsustainable industries, with retraining and new job opportunities made available; and that all who are able to vote, do so with the climate crisis in mind.

“It is so important that the Government’s post-Covid spending is done with a green, sustainable future in mind,” says SS4C Wellington. “We are currently at a crossroads in history; the path we take now will determine whether we have secure futures, or whether our adult lives are marked by a climate crisis, a series of tipping points, and a runaway greenhouse effect beyond human control.”

So far there's a Wellington event in Civic Square , which will be marching on Parliament from noon. No doubt there will be other events around the country. I encourage everyone to show their support for the students. Climate change is the defining issue for the future, and we are going to have to deal with it if we want that future to be liveable. The school strike movement's demands for a green rebuild and a just transition away from fossil fuels are a way to do that. But to get there, we need to convince the politicians to do it, and the way to do that is with numbers. So, back the school strike, and help ensure a decent future for New Zealand and the world.