Thursday, August 20, 2020

This should be a no-brainer

The Greens are calling for sick-leave to be doubled to ten days:
The Green Party is calling for paid sick leave to increase from five to ten days, to ensure people can stay home when unwell to keep all of us safe.

Green Party Workplace Relations Spokesperson Jan Logie said today:

“We all have an incredibly important role to play in keeping COVID-19 out of our communities, and that includes staying home when unwell.


“The Ministry of Health has rightfully set very firm guidelines for people to stay home if they’re sick. However, the Government must ensure people are able to do so without worrying about paying the bills.

This should be a complete no-brainer, a basic workplace safety issue whose necessity has been highlighted by the pandemic (and it doesn't help that we're at the bottom end of the international league tables for this, with Australians getting twice as much sick leave as kiwis). But when the CTU raised it back in June, Jacinda Ardern was quick to squash it. which invites the question: why does the Labour Party oppose basic worker's rights? And if they do, isn't their name false advertising?