Friday, September 11, 2020

The UK wants climate action

Back in 2019, six select committees of the UK Parliament established a Citizen's Assembly to investigate how to respond to climate change. The Assembly's deliberations were forced online by the pandemic, but it has finally reported back, and overwhelmingly supports strong action:
Taxes that increase as people fly further and more often should be introduced to help cut carbon, the UK’s first citizens’ assembly on climate change has recommended.

The final report from Climate Assembly UK also supports a ban on sales of new gas boilers and new petrol, diesel and hybrid cars by 2030-2035 to help Britain meet its legal goal to cut emissions to “net zero” by mid-century.

The recommendations for tackling climate change from the citizens’ assembly also include voluntary reductions in meat and dairy from diets, and planting and managing forests to help soak up excess carbon emissions.

The question now is whether the UK government will listen, or whether the frequent-flying, SUV-driving establishment will refuse to accept any limits on their pollution.

Meanwhile, it would be good to see such an exercise here, to help inform our carbon budgeting process. Or do we want to be less democratic than Britain?