Friday, April 23, 2021

Climate Change: Letting the world burn

US President Joe Biden is holding a virtual climate change summit today, during which he has pledged to cut America's emissions by 50% (from 2005 levels) by the end of the decade. Its an ambitious pledge, and other countries were expected to follow suit. So what did New Zealand offer? Nothing:
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced no new climate initiatives while speaking at a global climate summit early this morning – a move that will disappoint local activists.

It was hoped Ardern might lift the ambition of the country’s Paris Agreement pledge. She said work was underway to adjust this target, also known as a Nationally Determined Contribution.

“We will lift our ambition because we must,” she told the meeting. But unlike other nations, she did not make a firm commitment during the event.

So much for "my generation's nuclear-free moment". So much for rising to the challenge and using ambitious commitments to drive ambitious policy. So much even for doing our bit. Instead, the New Zealand government seems to be perfectly happy if the world burns. I expected that attitude from Donald Trump, but it is simply unacceptable from our government.