Friday, November 04, 2005

And now the French

Just in case anyone thought that brutality towards prisoners was confined to the US military: on May 13th this year, French peacekeepers in the Ivory Coast shot and captured Firmin Mahe, a notorius gang leader. However, he didn't make it to hospital; instead, he was reportedly suffocated with a plastic bag and dumped in a mass grave. Now, two generals who covered up the murder have been relieved of their command, while the three soldiers alleged to have been involved in the killing, as well as their commanding officer, are all facing military punishment. More importantly, civilian prosecutors have opened a murder investigation, and criminal charges are likely.

This is not the only incident involving French troops in the Ivory Coast. Twelve soldiers were convicted in June of repeatedly robbing an Ivorian bank, and another four are under investigation for sexual abuse. The record isn't exactly stellar, but at lest they're prosecuting rather than turning a blind eye...


I seem to recall the French Foreign Legion were historically known for their brutality.

Posted by Amanda : 11/04/2005 11:07:00 AM

But notice a crucial difference: when the French military have abuses committed in their ranks, they prosecute the responsible individuals promptly once evidence comes to light. And the prosecutions aren't just limited to the low-level soldiers, but also go higher up the chain of command. But in the case of the U.S. no one higher than a sergeant has been convicted for any of the abuses.

Posted by Anonymous : 11/04/2005 12:04:00 PM

There will always be some people who are willing to put aside their own welfare in order to rid the earth of a psychopath.

Posted by Genius : 11/05/2005 05:53:00 PM