Thursday, January 11, 2007

No more Nazis

Last year I blogged about RedWatch NZ, a neo-Nazi website established to "build a catalogue of information and pictures of the Left" - including names, addresses, phone numbers, and pictures of where people live. The purpose was clearly intimidation and to encourage violence against those listed on the basis of their political beliefs.

I'm pleased to say that RedWatch is no more. It has disappeared into the bit bucket, apparently some weeks ago. Though no doubt its dossiers and hit list will still be circulating around New Zealand's extreme right.

[Hat tip: t94xr]


  1. It's a little more complicated than that. A while back, Redwatch NZ moved from the old URL to a new Blogspot URL after the old one (which you talk about in this post) was disabled. After a short period at the new URL, Redwatch NZ moved to a fascist blog hosting service.

    It hadn't been updated since mid-November, until today, when the fascist blog hosting service was replaced with a message instructing the owner to contact billing - evidently the service has been disabled due to an unpaid hosting bill.

    If you want the 2 new URLs, email me. Don't particularly want to give it more publicity at this stage :)

  2. Im surprised the extreme right has enough people to do much circulating at all. it'd be like calling two guys playing catch a rugby game.

  3. I thought the ACT Party were supposed to be "extreme right" yet there is little in common between them and a bunch of neo-nazi no-hopers.

    Isn't it time you adopted and promoted a more helpful and less one-dimensional political topography?

  4. They have plenty in common; the main differences are that ACT has vast sums of money and more than two brain cells, which aren't political issues.

  5. plenty in common

    Oh yeah, like what? Be specific, instead of just being a twat.

  6. They both want tougher rules on immigration and preservation of NZ culture, more law enforcement and military, end to "political correctness", low flat taxes...

  7. Well considering the Nazi party was a left wing socialist organisation (National Socialist Workers Party), advocated the nationalisation of private enterprise, was for raced based funding and increasing the power of the individual, against individual rights and freedom of speech ...

    ... I guess it would be easy to get confused with a free market, small state, pro individual freedom, pro equal treatment regarless of race, small state, pro individual rights, pro private property rights and pro freedom speech type party.

    The Nazi's have more in common with the Greens..

  8. typo.. first para should read "state power over the individual".

    ACT (especially the current incarnation, as previous versions of act were more conservative right) is not right nor left wing. Its a classical liberal party - free markets and free minds.

  9. mikee

    actually, by your fascinatingly astute logic National is the fascist party round here.

    I think we can safely assume that the party supported by Henry Ford the Bush ancesters and many of their mates was not going to be delivering a workers paradise.

  10. "actually, by your fascinatingly astute logic National is the fascist party round here."

    Well they did support LLU, and they are wanting to regulate party pills for "you're own good".


  11. Holy Jesus but someone is still touting ACT as a "classical liberal party"? I/S has on more than one occaision pointed out ACT/Hide's inconsistent record on voting on civil rights issues.

    And, IMHO, Trevor Loudon's risible Where are you now student radical?, or whatever the fuck he called it, came straight out of the Redwatch handbook. He is just intelligent enough to keep it this side of legality.

    If ACT are a classical liberal party instead of populist redneck wankery dressed up as serious political discourse, then how about they start acting like it/ They are political dog tucker anyway, it couldn't hurt them at the ballot box.

    Oh, and nice to see another moron taking advantage of semantics to call the polar opposite of left wing totalitarianism, in fact left wing. Well done, next you'll be accusing the German Democratic Republic and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea democracies.

  12. sorry. you'll be accusing the German Democratic Republic and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea of being democracies.

  13. Although I obviously can't speak for Mike, I think he was saying that the policies of the Nazis and neo-Nazis more closely resemble the politics of the left than they do ACT.

    While ACT MPs in the past have not always voted in a socially liberal fashion, you can hardly label that as meaning they are close to Nazis in any ideological spectrum.

    I posted this on my blog recently, doesn't sound much like ACT policy to me-

    "We National Front patriots stand for national economic planning and reject the so-called "free market revolution" wrought by the Labour Government under David Lange and Roger Douglas. If the State does not have the prerogative to oversee the direction of the economy then no government can honestly promise full employment or social security, since private business interests have the power to dis-invest and to relocate to China and other cheap third world labour markets. This is occurring within our New Zealand economy everyday as we speak. Private interests can and do therefore sabotage a nation's economy and power of sustenance at will."

  14. WOW what a silly set of commens. However, nothing like a silly comments thread to score a few cheap polemical points, so here I go.

    ACT is just the political vehicle of crony capitalism, with a fig leaf of Ayn Rand. To ascribe it a coherent ideology is funny, since a brief perusal of the utterances of its chief supporters is enough to demonstrate the party lacks the intellectual firepower to formulate such a thing.

    Insofar as the Green Party is primarily a party of the comfortable middle class, and fascism is almost exclusively a middle class ideology of choice, then I suppose the more doctrinaire parts of its policy proscription are quasi-fascist in ideological tone.

    Generally speaking the right in N.Z. supports entrenched privilege and wishes to use the power of the state to repress alterations to the status quo - I give you the creepy Trevor Loudon - because when you are at the top, the only way is down. Dogmatic and rigidly reactionary thought characterises their discourse.

    At the end of the day, if the blogsphere is any guide, the only people who are not scared and angry and resentful and seem to actually live in a world most of us recognise seem to be the centre-left types, which is probably why Labour is the natural party of government these days.

  15. Sure fascists are left wing - why else would the fascists that run Redwatch want to target the left?

    It is a ridiculous lie. The fact is that the Nazis were a totalitarian party of the right, and the Bolschevics a totalitarian party of the left. The Nazis were driven by myths of the historical destiny of the German people, the bolschevics by myths of the historical destiny of the workers.

    They both called themselves socialist because transforming society was their main goal. They were both radically anti-individual - but these things were a consequence of their totalitarian character not their political orientation.

    Neither have anything at all to do with either Act or the Greens, although the consequence of libertarianism is a different form of totalitarianism. But that wouldn't make it the same as Nazism (although it is right wing - there are several types of right wing, just as there are several types of left wing).


  16. Cheers for the list, CMT. But...

    tougher rules on immigration

    In ACT's 2002 manifesto they say things like, "Far from taking jobs from locals, immigration actually increases jobs," and speak of "the benefit we derive from immigration," and "New Zealand adapted remarkably well to the higher inflows in the early 1990s, particularly the new encounters with Asian immigrants. The anti-immigration political opportunism that appealed to a small minority was disgraceful and did enormous damage to New Zealand's reputation in the region." Doesn't resemble a neo-nazi immigration policy at all.

    preservation of NZ culture

    Well, that's more of a Labour thing, Maori television and so forth. (And Labour are supposed to be "left", not "right".)

    end to "political correctness"

    Now we're talking National, a so-called "centre-left" party (I prefer "Labour-lite").

    When it comes to immigration policies, the Libertarianz Party (we also suffer from the being branded "right wing") have a "let peaceful people pass borders freely" policy.

    So there isn't enough in common between parties of the so-called "extreme right" to justify the common label. It's time we adopted and promoted a more helpful and less one-dimensional political topography.

  17. Pablo: I/S has on more than one occaision pointed out ACT/Hide's inconsistent record on voting on civil rights issues.

    To be fair, I think they've got a lot better since Hide ditched the rest of the circus. OTOH, their position on the Marriage Amendment Bill was absolutely unforgiveable, and a clear case of both opposing equality and pandering to the bigot vote.

  18. It only shows lack of any form of knowledge of politics to even mention ACT and the Nazis in the same sentance when describing their policies.

    The National SOCIALISTS (the name should be a hint) are far removed from any political party represented in the NZ Parliament. I can't believe anybody, even the retards on the left, would want to debate this. They should be the ones holding their heads in shame as many far left policies are mirror images of exactly what Herr Hitler advocated.

  19. > In ACT's 2002 manifesto they say things like

    They also say "Focus immigration policy on migrants with...background that will enable them to become major contributors...and reduce those who have difficulties integrating", ie, cut back on non-white, non-english-speaking immigrants.

    > Well, that's more of a Labour thing, Maori television and so forth.

    Preserving Maori culture is more Labour's line, yes. ACT and the Nazis are more interested in "the traditions that make us all New Zealanders", ie white traditions.

    > Now we're talking National, a so-called "centre-left" party

    WFT? Who calls National "centre-left"?

    > So there isn't enough in common between parties of the so-called "extreme right" to justify the common label.

    Cutting taxes, a point you don't comment on, is the key. It determines policies on health, education, welfare, and other social services, which are rather important issues.

    You also failed to comment on the "bigger military" point.

  20. Rodney and Heather are salt of the earth classical liberals, sure, but let's face it, Stephen Franks and Mad Moo Newman were US style
    populist neoconservatives who combined their free market economic philosophies with hardline authoritarian social conservative statism.

    Craig Y.

  21. "Rodney and Heather are salt of the earth classical liberals, sure, but let's face it, Stephen Franks and Mad Moo Newman were US style
    populist neoconservatives who combined their free market economic philosophies with hardline authoritarian social conservative statism."

    And I'd agree with you there. And their ideas were disliked by many in the party - especially younger members. And they have bugger all to do with the party afik.

  22. ACT is just the political vehicle of crony capitalism, with a fig leaf of Ayn Rand. To ascribe it a coherent ideology is funny, since a brief perusal of the utterances of its chief supporters is enough to demonstrate the party lacks the intellectual firepower to formulate such a thing.

    Act was born into contradiction. When it had more MPs, it was quite common to hear them advance positions (especially with regard to government spending) that not only contradicted each other, but contradicted party policy.

    Insofar as the Green Party is primarily a party of the comfortable middle class, and fascism is almost exclusively a middle class ideology of choice, then I suppose the more doctrinaire parts of its policy proscription are quasi-fascist in ideological tone.

    "Fascism is almost exclusively a middle class ideology of choice ..."

    Okay, I'll bite. Okay, I guess so in some airy-fairy ideological sense. Loudon's cult joined up with the local neo-Nazis for a while.

    Meanwhile in the real world, the likes of the British National Party have drawn considerable sustenance from the misdirected anger of working class people.

  23. CMT,
    "Creation of National Credit - The power to create New Zealand's national credit will be withdrawn from private foreign owned banking institutions. The New Zealand Government on behalf of the people of New Zealand will be empowered to create New Zealand's national credit instead."

    They lower taxes by being "social credit". Unless you want to say social credit was right wing that point is shooting yourself in the foot.

    >ACT and the Nazis are more interested in

    That sort of differentiation is like saying Nazis are the opposite of Italian fascists because one liked Germans and the other liked Italians.

    As to military
    Not sure what ACT's direct plan is but apparently The NF's plan is to be like Switzerland and withdraw any NZ forces stationed overseas. I presume ACT's plan is to get closer to foreign allies. I also expect NF is in favour of conscription while I presume ACT is against it.

  24. And you still all prove my point that you know nothing about far right politics if you continue to bring ACT into the equation.

    How sad. Surely the irony of this all, from the left wing party supporters is lost on you.

  25. The terms Right and Left fail to properly describe Nazism. They had ideas straight out of the Right and others straight out of the Left.

    Heine - your comment about having the socialist in the Nazis name is idiotic. For a start, the Nazis were constantly using propaganda to achieve their means, and that meant appealing to workers for votes. Second, ACT is the "Association of Consumers and Taxpayers" - yet the vast majority of taxpayers and consumers have nothing to do with ACT.

  26. Unfortunately, there tends to be clots of raving right sectarians who circulate around making hooting noises and alienating the middle ground.

    I sympathise. There used to be similar problems with turkey Trots and mad Maoists who couldn't hold a revolution in a wet paper bag.

    Actually, insofar as Trev Loudon goes, he's a weird fusion of neocon
    free marketeer and ZAP conspiracy
    theorist. I'd advise ACT mainstreamers to be extremely careful about him...

    Craig Y.

  27. "Heine - your comment about having the socialist in the Nazis name is idiotic. For a start, the Nazis were constantly using propaganda to achieve their means, and that meant appealing to workers for votes. Second, ACT is the "Association of Consumers and Taxpayers" - yet the vast majority of taxpayers and consumers have nothing to do with ACT."

    Yet all act members are consumers and taxpayers.. does that mean that all nazi's are socialists?

    Whose idiotic now?

  28. "Second, ACT is the "Association of Consumers and Taxpayers" "

    Sorry to ruin your argument anon but it actually isn't, the Association is a separate entity from ACT (the political party).

  29. "Actually, insofar as Trev Loudon goes, he's a weird fusion of neocon
    free marketeer and ZAP conspiracy
    theorist. I'd advise ACT mainstreamers to be extremely careful about him..."

    Pretty much sums up Rodney these days.

  30. Sorry anon, looks like you shot yourself in the foot!

    Care to try again?


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