Thursday, October 18, 2007

Progress on sedition?

The Crimes (Repeal of Seditious Offences) Amendment Bill is second on the Order Paper today, so there's a good chance we'll finally get through its second reading. It was also the mentioned in the business statement as a priority for next week, so if we're lucky, we might see it passing next Wednesday or Thursday. I'll be watching the Order Paper like a hawk, ready to hitch a bus to Wellington for the third reading. And since Tim Selwyn finally seems to be out of jail, maybe he'll be able to join me.

Update (17:00): Debate has just resumed on the bill, so they'll get it through by the time the House rises tonight.

Update 2: Nicky Wagner talks about the Electoral Finance Bill (because limiting the right of the rich to undermine democracy by buying elections is the same as barring political dissent). Ron Mark bangs the terrorism drum and says we need sedition to protect democracy; NZ First will be opposing the bill. Russell Fairbrother gives a powerful speech, but gets his facts wrong - he thinks that Tim Selwyn was acquitted. Charles Chauvel talks about the select committee process, and attacks National for its repeated claims of police bias.

Update 3: Passed 109 - 7; ACT and half the Maori Party didn't vote.