Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Something to go to in Auckland

The Bruce Jesson Foundation will be holding its annual Bruce Jesson Lecture at Auckland University next week. This years' speaker is NDU secretary and former Alliance leader Laila Harre, on Union relevance in Aotearoa in the 21st Century:

For 20 years unions have been engaged in a struggle for relevance - relevance to both workers and the wider social and economic environment in which we organise. This lecture will look at possible futures for the union movement and the potential and need for workers to organise industrially and politically. More than ever we are dependent on what happens at work and what we get from doing it. The question is not whether we need unions, but what sort of unions we need.
When: 18:30, Friday 9 November (bar open from 17:30)
Where: Maidment Theatre, University of Auckland.

Information on previous Bruce Jesson lectures can be found here.