Monday, May 12, 2008

The Green list

The Greens have released their party list for this year's election. There's a few changes from DPF's version - David Clendon and Gareth Hughes have swapped places, while Mike Ward has moved up significantly. The top order are as you'd expect, with co-leader Russel Norman taking Rod Donald's number two slot, and Meyt moving up. Newcomer Kevin Hague is almost guaranteed a seat if the Greens make it back into Parliament, and if they do well, Catherine Delahunty may be joining them.

As with last election, I've done a table showing candidate's relative placements with last time. As with all small parties, there's a high degree of turnover, and a lot of new faces.

2008 RankName2005 RankDifference
1Jeanette Fitzsimons10
2Russel Norman10+9
3Sue Bradford30
4Metiria Turei6+2
5Sue Kedgley4-1
6Keith Locke5-1
7Kevin Hague----
8Catherine Delahunty9+1
9Kennedy Graham----
10David Clendon12+2
11Gareth Hughes----
12Steffan Browning----
13Mojo Mathers16+3
14Mike Ward8-6
15Quentin Duthie----
16Mikaere Curtis17+1
17Richard Leckinger----
18Jeanette Elley19+1
19Virginia Horrocks----
20Donna Wynd----
21David Hay----
22Diana Mellor----
23James Redwood----
24Lisa Er----
25Jan McLauchlan----
26Lizzie Gillett----
27Claire Bleakley270
28Rayna Fahey----
29Craig Carson----
30Richard Tindall----
31Paul Doherty----
32Ryan Garland----
33Michael Gilchrist----
34Alan Liefting47+13
35Linda Persson----
36Baker Postelnik----
37Jon Sadler----
38James Shaw----
39Gary Stewart----
40Peter Taylor----
41Lynette Vigrass----
42Michael Woodcock----

Further canidate details can be found here.