Monday, December 07, 2009

Paul Henry must change or go

Normally I try and ignore Paul Henry. His constant abuse and denigration of anyone who isn't a tanned rich white failed National candidate like himself is a primary reason why I will not watch Breakfast, Close Up, or any other show where he has a role. But his recent antics - calling someone "retarded" - are pretty low. TVNZ has pretty much said they won't do anything about it, so Julie at the Hand Mirror has organised a campaign to put pressure on the people who can change Henry's behaviour: his advertisers:

What I'd like people to do is to commit to sending emails to five of Breakfast's key advertisers covering the following key points:
  • Paul Henry frequently editorialises in a manner that denigrates guests, encourages discrimination against marginalised groups, and judges people based on their appearance
  • Paul Henry's offensive comments are unacceptable
  • Paul Henry must change his behaviour or be replaced
  • As an advertiser choosing to buy time during Breakfast your company is supporting his behaviour and I will therefore not be purchasing anything from your company
A sample email and the relevant addresses are here. Please send yours today. The more emails the advertisers get, the greater the chance that they'll decide to stop sponsoring sneering tory privilege on breakfast TV.