Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More "terror" raids in the pipeline?

For the past few weeks, Te Whanau a Apanui have been protesting alongside Greenpeace to oppose offshore oil exploration by PetroBras. They don't want a dirty offshore oil industry polluting their traditional fishing grounds. Now, according to Maui Street, the iwi have been informed that the police are planning Tuhoe-style raids to suppress the protests:

Our team have been given a heads up from an inside source that the Police are mobilising to hit Apanui with raids, like the Tuhoe ones. Maori cops have been asked to take part in an Armed Offenders operation.
Maui Street rates this as "more than just speculation":
In my opinion it is plausible, if not probable, that the Police are keeping a close tab on the tribe with a view to suppressing continued protest action. The Police will undoubtedly construe some warped narrative and, like last time, arrest a bunch of naïve Maori activists, skinny environmentalists, pacifists and small time riff raff. Another kick in the guts for Maori and another embarrassment for the police.
I really hope they're wrong. The police have no business suppressing protest, and if they do, they will bring themselves even further into disrepute. Though given their persecution of Tiki Taane, that might be a bit difficult...