Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The vote

Thanks to DPF, we have tally sheets. Not shown: proxies from John Banks and Peter Dunne in favour (just noted by leave of the House), raising the total to 80 - 40. Labour's Raymond Huo was the only member not to vote (chickenshit!)

Damien O'Connor, Ross Robertson, and Su'a William Sio were the only Labour (and indeed, the only non-NZ First or National) members to vote against. Now, I know Labour people like to talk of a "broad church", but (to use that metaphor) churches tend to require adherence to a certain set of core principles. Labour claims that equality and non-discrimination are core principles of the party. Its time they proved it by de-funding, de-selecting and evicting these bigots. And if they don't, people can draw their own conclusions about where the New Zealand Labour Party really stands on equality...