Tuesday, June 27, 2023

How convenient

Visa processing times have gone through the roof, and the holdup appears to be SIS security checks. But the SIS now refuses to release basic performance data on whether it is doing the job properly because "national security":

The SIS has refused to reveal its average processing time but said the timeframes were being formalised in a service level agreement with Immigration New Zealand (INZ).


Director-General of Security Andrew Hampton said to reveal the number of security checks (NSC) and how long they took may prejudice the security or defence of New Zealand or international relations.

How convenient that suddenly basic accountability information is suddenly a state secret. I'm sure that will help ensure SIS does their job properly. Even more convenient: if they've actually classified the statistics, its a crime punishable by 5 years imprisonment to leak them. So there's not even the usual check on underperformance.

The supposed "justification" for this is that unnamed "adversaries" could "exploit the border screening system" if given time-series data on processing times. How? By knowing whether SIS was doing its job quickly and efficiently? And do they think that those supposed "adversaries" don't know that already?

This is a perfect example of how "national security" is used to hide embarrassing information and evidence of underperformance. And the only interest it serves is that of an agency which is too busy chasing imaginary enemies to perform its basic functions.