Monday, July 03, 2023

"Lets lynch the landlord" as policy

Last month the Greens released their tax policy, was was basicly eat the rich. Over the weekend they followed it up with their rental policy. The short version? lets lynch the landlord:

Rents controls would limit how much landlords could increase the rent by each year. The cap would never be higher than 3 percent, which is the upper limit of the Reserve Bank's inflation target.

Landlords would not be allowed to raise rents beyond this limit unless they have made substantial improvements to the property.

The controls would also be property based rather than tenancy to prevent landlords putting up the rent between tenants.

A Rental Warrant of Fitness would guarantee all rental homes were safe, warm and healthy to live in.

A national register of all landlords and property managers would keep track of how many properties were rented, ownership, how much rent was charged over time, and compliance with the Rental Warrant of Fitness.

Less headliney, but also important: relaxing Labour's austerity limits on Kainga Ora, allowing them to build even more state houses. Which would restore some balance to the rental sector.

Naturally, landlords hate it, making their usual threat to sell up. Which is a feature, not a bug, because unless they turn arsonist, the houses will still be there. They'll just be parasite free. Economists also hate it, but given that their "discipline" is basicly making excuses for the rich, they would. And as with MMP, the Wal Footrot principle applies: want a reason to vote for it? Just look at the people telling you not to.

[With thanks to the Dead Kennedys for the post title]