The Waitangi Tribunal has been one of the most effective critics of the government, pointing out repeatedly that its racist, colonialist policies breach te Tiriti o Waitangi. While it has no powers beyond those of recommendation, its truth-telling has clearly gotten under the government's skin. They had already begun to sabotage it, with a crony appointment of racist former ACT leader Richard Prebble in October. And on Friday they gutted it completely, replacing almost the entire membership:
Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka has confirmed a major refresh of the Waitangi Tribunal, as he replaces half of its members.The latter makes it crystal clear what is going on: qualified academics and historians are being replaced with corporate shills, racists, and swivel-eyed weirdos. Its the same tactic they have used to sabotage human rights. And the solution is the same in both cases: the next government should immediately sack National's unqualified cronies, for being unable to properly perform the functions of the office.The coalition Government started a major overhaul in October, appointing former ACT Party leader Richard Prebble to the Tribunal alongside Ken Williamson, whose background is in insurance and corporate leadership.
On Friday, Potaka confirmed sweeping changes to the Tribunal’s membership. He announced another eight new appointments, and said he was renewing the warrants of just five existing members.
Those new appointments included political pundit Philip Crump and former NZ First minister Ron Mark.
Once that is done, there is a clear need to insulate the Tribunal against further fuckery from future right-wing governments. We already do this for judges: their independence is guaranteed by lifetime appointments, protections against removal, and protections against defunding. The Waitangi Tribunal is effectively a constitutional court, embodied to rule on the ongoing partnership which founded our nation. Once constitutional normality is restored, its members deserve the same protection.