Monday, August 08, 2005

Interesting website

The people who have been sending me the South Park cartoons have launched their own site:, with both some nice little policy snippets and more cartoons. Speaking of which, here's their latest:

They also have an amusing video here.


I think one line on their website highlights why the left should never be in Government.

"We run the economy"

Posted by Anonymous : 8/08/2005 01:10:00 PM

Vote labour for:
More taxes,
more red tape,
more interference your personal life,
less opportunity,
less freedom,
More cosying up to China the great,
less principles,
more lies, more lies, and yet more lies.

Keep it up Idiot (I'll ignore the faux savant bit), with luck you too can pass off paintings as yours, lie about people being drunk even though you know that they were not, and get your driver to do 172 kph becuase, by definition, you can not speed.

Posted by Anonymous : 8/09/2005 11:22:00 AM